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Thanks for being awesome, teacher!

Пожелание для учителя на английском языке - 3 красивых варианта


Gratitude for your amazing teaching



1. Вариант

Dear Teacher,

I hope this message finds you well. I just wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for all your hard work and dedication. Your passion for teaching has truly made a positive impact on my learning journey.

Thank you for being patient, understanding, and always ready to help. Your guidance has not only enriched my knowledge but also inspired me to strive for excellence. Your classroom is a place of warmth and encouragement, making learning enjoyable and memorable.

As the year continues, I look forward to soaking in more of your wisdom and being inspired by your passion for education. Wishing you continued success in your teaching endeavors. Thank you for being an amazing teacher!

[Your Name]


2. Вариант

Дорогой учитель,

Хочу поблагодарить вас за все, что вы делаете для нас. Вы настоящий герой в мире знаний. Ваши уроки всегда интересные, а ваша любовь к обучению мотивирует нас учиться больше. Спасибо за терпение, заботу и вдохновение, которые вы приносите в наш класс. Вы лучший учитель, и мы гордимся тем, что учимся у вас.

С наилучшими пожеланиями,
[Ваше Имя]


3. Вариант

Dear Teacher,

I just wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for all that you do. Your dedication to shaping young minds and creating a positive learning environment doesn’t go unnoticed. Your passion for teaching is like a guiding light, inspiring us to reach new heights. Thank you for being such an amazing teacher, and may your days be filled with the same joy and wisdom that you bring to the classroom.

Warmest regards,
[Your Name]



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