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Живи здорово: простые пожелания здоровья на английском

Пожелание здоровья в английском языке - 3 красивых варианта


Секреты долгой и счастливой жизни: пожелания здоровья на каждый день



1. Вариант

Dear [Имя],

I wish you a vibrant and flourishing life filled with good health. May each day bring you joy, energy, and a sense of well-being. May your journey be marked by strength, both physical and emotional. Here’s to a future filled with happiness, prosperity, and, above all, good health.

Warm regards,
[Ваше Имя]


2. Вариант

Dear [Имя],

I wish you a world full of sunshine, laughter, and good times, but most importantly, I wish you a healthy and happy life. May each day bring you strength, energy, and the joy of well-being. Here’s to a life filled with vibrant moments and a body that dances to the rhythm of happiness.

Warm regards,
[Ваше Имя]


3. Вариант

Dear [Имя],

I wish you a world of wellness and a lifetime of health. May each day bring you joy, strength, and vitality. May your mind be clear, your heart be light, and your body be resilient. Here’s to a future filled with happiness and good health!

Warm regards,
[Ваше Имя]



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